Saturday 26 March 2011

Chocolate Protein Souffle

Training is only one part of the puzzle when it comes to constructing your ultimate physique. Rest and nutrition are equally, if not more important parts to consider.
What to eat, when to eat etc are all questions i hear regularly & depending on who you listen to & what you read, the answers can be equally confusing.
Even when you think you have all the answers, the questions keep coming.

For those that have already began to fully implement particular nutritional notions, keeping on top of it, & above all making changes that you wish to stick to because you enjoy them, not just because you feel you have to, can be challenging.

For many people, the daily cycle of protein shakes, chicken, tuna, rice cakes etc can very quickly become boring and for some a form of hell, particularly when former favourites are no longer on the menu!

Sometimes we have to think outside of the box & reproduce these favourites, but in a more streamlined version.

Even if its just to take the edge off!

So, instead of simply chucking 2 scoops of Banana Cream protein powder in a shaker with some Udo's, necking it & going to bed, i made the 'dessert' you see here.

(Note that like the original souffle, i can sink, but the taste is the same. Mine unfortunately sank between me placing on the counter, grabbing my camera & taking a picture.)

Now, i'm using the term dessert here loosely, as anyone that has had a real chocolate souffle knows just how good it can be & no end of quality chocolate protein powder is going to replace it. But it is an ideal alternative, when a shake has just become a little mundane & you fancy something a little different!

Here's how i made it!


200g Egg Whites
1 scoop Optimum Nutrition Chocolate Supreme Casein Powder
20g Apple Sauce
1 teaspoon Splenda
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon Allspice
5g Udo's Ultimate Blend Oil


*Firstly whisk up the egg whites till they are frothy, before adding in the splenda.
*Whisk for a further minute or so before adding in the scoop of
protein powder.
*Continue to whisk until the mixture is like a very. very thick chocolate milkshake! (see image right)
*Add in the spices & the apple sauce & stir.
*Place into a microwaveable dish & cook uncovered for 90 seconds.
*Remove & add in the Udo's oil.
*At this point i placed the mixture in to the pot you see in the picture, however this was more for the 'souffle effect'.
*Return to the microwave & cook for a further 1 minute, keeping a close eye as the mixture begins to 'rise'.


Energy - 268 kcal
Protein - 45 grams
Carbs - 4 grams
Fat - 6.3 grams


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