Thursday 24 March 2011

Wednesday 23rd March 2011 - LEGS!!

Despite the trouble i'm currently having with my lower back, i felt it was about time i hit some squats & deadlifts.
Now not being the kind of person that does things half-arsed, i approached my leg workout with a mixture of trepidation, optimism & realism. Yes, a complete contradictory in itself, but there you go.
I wondered if i would feel any beneficial effect from my chiropracter session earlier in the week (Yes, it may of been only one session, but you have to be positive!). I also wondered if what i had in store to smash my legs up, i was going to be able to minimise any stress on my lower back at all.
Initally, i had the idea of splitting the legs up into a quads day & a hamstrings day, however i decided instead to go witha complete legs day, twice in a week. Workout 1 consisting of strong, compound movements. Workout 2 will be later this week, with more isolation movements involved such as extensions & leg curls etc.

I had my Scheik Weight-Belt with me, for when i added a little more weight, however i did want to be sensible & was not going to try pushing any silly weights.
So after a serious warm up which consisted of the X-Trainer for 10 minutes, i hit a tripple whammy (Told you, nothing half-arsed..) Squat, Front-Squat, Wall-Squat.
This consisted of heavy, deep squats 10 to 12 reps, before reducing the weight & doing 'widowmakers' which is a set of 21 reps, before racking the weight, taking the bar on the front before dropping into a set of 12 front squats, again nice and deep, then again racking the bar & leaning against the wall, thighs parallel to the floor for as long as possible, usually 30-45 secs before the legs give.
I performed this 3 times, before moving onto Romanian Deadlifts which i performed in the usual, straight forward manner.

Obviously, this is the exercise i was most weary of as when form is poor, alot of stress can be placed on the lower back.
However, on this occasion everything was all good, hamstrings were well and truly torched, with no stress placed on my back at all.
I moved on to the Leg Press, where i performed drop-sets. I also performed Leg Presses with toes higher on the pad to focus on the hamstrings over the quads.

The final exercise(s) i performed was on the smith machine.
Using a bench & the ability to cheat gravity, i stood in the standard squat position, with the bench between my legs. I then moved my legs to the front of the bench, leaning into the bar at an angle of approximately 70-75-degrees, toes pointed out slightly & feet shoulder width apart. Lowering the bar down until i was almost seated on the bench, glutes lightly touching the bench before powering back up again.
Obviously this movement is impossible on a standard squat rack. You just can't lean like that without falling over.
This exercise really hits the upper quads too.
I performed this as a super-set, with leg presses performed on the same equipment, bar placed across the toes with the toes pointed out slightly.
It's very difficult to hurt yourself on this exercise, so i took the bar as low as i could before pushing up.

I threw in some calf presses for good measure as i had not performed them earlier that day as i didn't do any morning cardio to save myself for this workout.

Again, my supplement list & workout log are below!
Try the Squat-FrontSquat-WallSquat combo out, but be warned it is not for the faint hearted & you will scream like a little girl when your legs give out!



Pre Workout - 40mins prior to workout; 1 Scoop Cell NOX plus 5g Creatine Monohydrate
During Workout - 4 scoops Sci-Vation Xtend
Post Workout - Optimum Nutrition Platinum HydroWhey S'Berry - 50g, MyProtein Dextrose - 70g, MP Glutamine - 10g, MP Creatine Monohydrate - 5g. All the above was mixed in water immediately postworkout & drank straight away to avoid any degradation of the creatine in liquid, as well as to create the anti-catabolic insulin spike to feed the hungry worked muscles!

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